Monday 23 January 2012

Provision . . . or more?

As I read Hebrews 11vs1 I challenge myself with this question:

What am I hoping for?

Is it to see my debts cleared? Is it to see a creative miracle? Is it to know where to place my feet next? Is it to see a nation saved? In essence it is a lot of things...but as I remember who my Savior is, who my Father is I get reminded that everything that lays in front of me, behind me, and with me at this moment has all come to bring Glory to Him. I am reminded that He is who I rely on, He is who has brought this my way, He has bought me by price of death, He is faithful, He is my provider, my shield, my protector, my love (it goes on and on) and as I go to ask Him for help in my circumstances

 I don’t need to use the name of the Son as blackmail

because God wants to glorify His Son, so as a child and son myself I can ask for blessings, favor, gifts, opportunities, faith, wisdom and in abundance to bring Glory to His name. I am alive to bring Glory to the Father, and the Son brings glory to the Father.

I have laid everything down at His feet and said “I am Yours” everything I own is not my own, but His. Everything came from Him in the first place. Everything I receive comes from Him. Everything good is from Him. Nothing is mine, so… everything I am actually giving Him glory and praise because If I see $0.01 it is a blessing. If it is $10,000 it is a blessing. He is a faithful God. He looks after His children.

My hope is for many things, all of which I intend to give Him praise and glory for all my days and as I do only more and more will come my way. He also promises that whoever He can trust with the small will be given greater things. Take everything into account – Start thanking Papa for those small things and watch the greater things start pouring in!


Check it : Papa wants to glorify His Son, Jesus, He is looking at every opportunity and circumstance to do so. Why would you deny Him of this?

In not asking Him for things, we deny Him opportunities to show His love and glorify His Son, Jesus.



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